How to Overcome Self Doubt

How to Overcome Self Doubt

Apr 15, 2024

Do you ever experience feelings of self doubt and fear? Does this lead to resistance, frustration and procrastination in your life?

It is important to understand that feeling afraid and scared are totally normal human feelings. Feelings of self-doubt will inevitably pop up whenever you consider trying to do something new and different.

This happens because you are stepping outside your comfort zone. It is your smaller ‘self’ who holds on to what is known, safe and comfortable. It is your higher self that wants you to grow and change and do things differently.

Whenever you feel self doubt in your life, it is a sure sign that you are being called to a new way of thinking. Think of it as your higher-self calling you to grow: mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

In fact, the more times you feel self-doubt and are able to go beyond them, the richer and more juicier your life has the potential to be. So next time you feel self-doubt, instead of getting worried, start getting excited! You are about to grow as a person and in the process, you will expand yourself and your life experience.

In this article, I share with you exactly how I consciously and actively use my feelings of self-doubt to powerfully catalyse growth in my own life, and how you can too.

In the past my story of self doubt kept me playing small.

In the past, I used to doubt myself all the time. The voice in my head, (sometimes called my self-talk or inner chatter) was very active.

It used to tell me things like, “don’t say that, you’ll get it wrong” or “don’t do that, you’ll end up looking silly” or “you can’t do that, you’re not good enough.”

Has this ever happened to you? Have you experienced these thoughts as well?

Today, I still have thoughts of self-doubt. But, I have learnt how to celebrate them instead! And here's why. Whenever I feel self-doubt, I know that I am being called to do something new and I understand that they are always an invitation to grow. I know that there is an opportunity for me to transform my fearful thoughts of self-doubt to confident thoughts of self belief.

Making this transition in my thinking helps me to find my inner courage. From this space, I am able to more easily face my fears and embrace the things that make my life fun and magical.

1. Take ownership for your feelings:

When you look within and choose to own your feelings you are taking full responsibility for yourself and how you feel.

Taking ownership and responsibility means not projecting any blame onto anyone else and no 'playing the victim' card either.

Now I know, taking responsibility can be a little scary. But, when you focus your awareness on doing this, I know that you can do it!

This is a powerful stance to take in your life and this step alone has the power to positively shift your whole world! Taking responsibility for your feelings will put you in an empowering and powerful place to gather internal strength so you can start to overcome feelings of self-doubt.

2. Understand the root cause of your self-doubt:

The root cause of your self-doubt is only a thought. It is most likely a fearful or a doubtful thought about yourself, your capabilities or your abilities.

A good way to get to the root cause of your self-doubt is to look within. You can do this through meditation, journaling, or by doing some yoga or quiet contemplation. A helpful question I like to ask myself is, “Where am I judging myself?”

With this new awareness, you can now start to question your limiting thoughts.

3. Question your limiting thoughts:

You can start to do this by sitting quietly and asking yourself “Is this thought true for me today?”

Realise that the thought may have been true for you in the past, but I encourage you to really question if it is true for you today.

Doubtful thoughts cannot support you or your dreams. Your point of power lies in this present moment. Know that your past does not have any power over you, unless you give it any. The key thing is what you are thinking, saying and doing in this present moment.

In the space of your quiet contemplation, question and notice the impact your limiting thoughts have on you and how they make you feel.

4. Get clear on how you would like to feel and create new thoughts:

Once you have questioned your old, limiting thoughts, it is necessary to get clear on how you would really like to feel. Clarity brings enlightenment and awareness that will allow you to shift your disempowering thought to more empowering ones.
Instead of experiencing the contraction of self doubt, feel the expansiveness that comes from thinking thoughts about being “good enough”, “safe” “successful” and “confident”.

Once you know how you want to feel, create new thoughts that is aligned with what you want and use it to replace your old, limited and self-judgmental thoughts.
Remember, your feelings are always preceded by your thoughts and it is your new thoughts that have the power to immediately create new feelings in your life.

5. Provide evidence to support your new thoughts:

Recall experiences from your past when you did feel good: confident, happy and strong (or that which you desire). Bring these memories fully alive within you.

Focus your attention on these positive memories, times and people. Encourage yourself to spend time thinking about and focusing on these memories.

When you put your attention on your new thoughts, ways of thinking, speaking and acting you begin to be the creator of your own life. When you do this, you are literally creating new feelings inside your body that have the ability to catalyse new experiences in your life.

You can overcome self doubt

Feeling doubtful simply comes from believing your old limiting and self judgmental thoughts. When you think and believe fearful thoughts, you only limit yourself and project your story of fear into the world.

But, when you question and change your limiting thoughts, you can completely transform feelings of self-doubt into self-confidence, happiness and joy. So next time you feel that feeling of self-doubt within; simply smile, say yes and get ready to take a step forwarD, knowing that your life is just about to get a bit more exciting...

If this article resonated with you, please leave me a comment below sharing your experience with self-doubt and what would happen if you could transform your doubts into courage, trust and self-belief...

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With so much Love,
From my heart to yours,

Katrina Love Senn xo

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